As you know, our ministry does not fundraise for expenses. We, instead, take our needs to God and trust Him to place it on people's hearts to give. And He has always done so, so we have no plans to change that approach. However, we do not insist that everyone who works with us live and serve by that same principle. Indeed, we understand that God calls each of us to follow His voice, and that may be different for each one.
Currently, my daughter, Taryn, is in the process of raising funds for the next step of her life. God is calling her out in faith to help her prepare for her future in missions, and I would like to ask you to read her letter below and prayerfully consider partnering with her as she follows Him.
Hello, Everybody!
As I am finishing up my senior year of high school and approaching my eighteenth birthday, I am seeking God for my future. For a couple of years now I have had a passion for medical missions and a draw to Africa. Over recent months I have been hearing God’s call but fighting Him because of my fears of the unknown. However, moving beyond those fears, God has been helping me to put into motion a plan for the next year of my life.
I have recently been accepted by Equip International for a two week Missionary Medicine Intensive course from May 8-19, 2016, in Marion, North Carolina. This is a course that is designed for missionaries working in areas of the world with little or no medical resources. Here is a link to the course if you are interested in seeing more what I will be doing: After that, I will return to Guatemala for the month of June and then early July I will be moving to Uganda, Africa for approximately one year. (Do you see why I have some fears? ) Some of the time that I am there, I will be living with my sister, Carissa, and working with various ministries in her area. Other times I will be living in different parts of Uganda, working other ministry opportunities. Since Uganda is a third-world country, there are plenty of opportunities to use my medical training while I am there.
At this point, I am unsure whether this is where God will call me long-term, or if this is a stepping stone to a future call.
There are a couple ways that you can help me.
1. Prayer. As I said before, I have a lot of fears. Please pray for peace (for me and my parents), guidance, and provision.
2. One-time or monthly financial gifts. Unfortunately, because of airfare and the length of the trip, I will need a lot of support. Below I have listed some estimated totals. If you have questions or would like to see a more specific breakdown of the totals, feel free to ask.One-time expenses: $3190 (airline tickets, visa & renewal, medical missions class, etc.)
Monthly expenses: $330 (room, board, transportation, ministry expenses, etc.)
If you are interested in following what I will be doing, I will be starting a blog in the near future to give updates.
If God leads you to support my work, you can give your tax-deductable gift through Hope for Home Ministries. Send your gift to the home office at
Hope for Home Ministries
P.O. Box 393
Troy, OH 45373
Or you can visit and give via PayPal.
Please make note that the gift is for "Taryn Fulp - Uganda," and specify if it is a one-time gift or a monthly gift.
Thank you so much for taking time to read this. I am very excited about what God has in store for my future.