Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Mexico, Jose and Our One Year Anniversary

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DSCF5277My 4-Runner is still out of commission as Ali makes repairs. So, most of our ministry has been limited to close to home. However, we did load up our van and made our bi-annual trip to Tapachula, Mexico to renew our visas. We will begin the process to become residents soon, making this trip unnecessary. But for now we enjoy this as a family vacation.

DSCF5256Now that I know to ignore our GPS, this trip went far smoother than the last one. We had no death-defying trips down steep mountains in the rain. We did, however, encounter a two-and-a-half hour traffic shut-down due to a multi-vehicle accident that blocked the road. But since we were not in the accident we saw no reason to complain. We spent the time playing games as a family and talking about the last year in Guatemala.

DSCF5246We spent all our time at the motel swimming, playing games, eating and sleeping. In other words, it was the perfect vacation. Food in Tapachula is very expensive, so we saved money by packing our food and a hot plate and eating in our rooms. (But we did make an exception and splurge for Dominos Pizza.) It was wonderful to have a few days with nothing to do but enjoy the family!

EarthquakeMaybe you heard about the offshore earthquake on Saturday. Tapachula was the closest city to the epicenter, so we experienced our first real earthquake. We regularly receive little tremors at our home in San Antonio Aguas Calientes, but you can’t really classify them as true earthquakes. This one was the real thing as I was knocked from my feet when I tried to stand. The side-to-side motion made Wanda motion-sick and scooted items across tables. It was strong enough that it was felt back at our home in Guatemala, over 175 miles away. Thankfully, since it was offshore, no major damages or injures occurred. Yet another first for the Fulp Family.

We returned home on Sunday, enjoyed the end of the playoffs, and then got back to work bright and early on Monday morning. And the work was waiting. To be precise, 55 e-mail messages, 6 Facebook messages, 6 voice mails and a 1 hour meeting was waiting. After Wanda coaxed me from a fetal position and helped me back to my desk I was able to wade through it all.

IMG00317-20120125-1043This morning Gerardo and I went to visit a little guy names Jose Alejandro who lives on the outskirts of Ciudad Vieja. Their house is way up the base of the volcano Aguas where property is cheaper. Jose is four years old and has Cerebral Palsy. At least we think he does. He has never been formally diagnosed. However, his mother had complications at birth and all the symptoms are there as his legs are spastic in tone and scissor when he tries to walk or stand. They are going to a doctor tomorrow for the proper diagnosis.

IMG00319-20120125-1044In the meantime, several doctors have prescribed “helps” for him. One of these “helps” is a pair of “braces” that are actually just a pair of high top shoes with a metal bar between them. The doctor thought that since his legs naturally scissor when he tries to stand and walk that this device would help. As the parent of a daughter who has CP I know that this is one of the worst things that can be done as it prevents independent leg movement which is necessary to ease the spasticity. Fortunately, the family realized that this was not helping and stopped using this torture device some time ago.

There are six people who live in the household. Both the father and the oldest son work in the fields when work is available, but their combined income is about Q.1000.00 each month. That comes to just under $130.00 a month. Imagine trying to feed and clothe a family of six on that amount, plus care for the medical needs of a son with special needs.

We are making arrangements to provide him with a wheelchair. Praise God we already have a sponsor for this. We have also set up an appointment to have him casted for leg braces that will truly help him learn to walk. The cost of these braces is $200.00. We are also in the process of arranging for him to get physical therapy at Hermano Pedro. The cost will be about $17 a month. If you are willing to sponsor Jose for either the one-time expense of the braces or the monthly expense of therapy, please contact me at

Today we celebrate the one-year anniversary of our move to Guatemala. Time has flown, so in some ways it is hard to believe that it has already been a year. However, when we look back and see how far God has brought us and all that He has accomplished, it is amazing that it has only been a year. He is so good and so faithful! All praise and glory to Him!

That is all for now. Blessings from Guatemala!

Daryl, Wanda and the Crew