Each time I return to Guatemala I think that I will not be impacted as strongly as before, but after another day at Hermano Pedro I find myself broken once again. And it was a simply, little insight that did it.
As you read this blog you will likely shift your position numerous times without thinking about it. A limb stiffens, so you stretch it. You notice a point of uncomfortable pressure on your leg, so you move it. You feel an itch, so you scratch it. And you do these things without noticing.
Now, imagine that you could not do those simple movements. Due to a mind trapped within a disabled body even the simple movements you depend on has become impossible. You rely on others completely for those simple actions.
That is the case for many of the children with which we work at Hermano Pedro. We placed them in their beds for the evening at 5:00 pm and they will not move again until someone moves them, most likely tomorrow morning. Imagine the prison like existence that this creates for them. Such a simple fact of life for us is an impossible task for them.
In a loving home these children would be tenderly shifted, moved, and positioned regularly to assure comfort. In an institution they are left unmoved. This awareness troubles me greatly and has left me with three troubling question:
- What is the church’s responsibility for these children?
- What can I do to change the lives of these children?
- What am I willing to do to change their lives? (The most troubling question.)
Today we took a group of eight children to Pollo Campero to eat lunch. They laughed, they played, and they reveled in the simple experience of a meal out with people who loved them. At the completion of the meal we took them to the park and splashed them with water
from the fountains. Some of them returned to the hospital soaked, but still glowing from the experience. What a privilege it is to call these little ones my friends. They have taught me more about life than I could ever teach them.
We have had our week rearranged as we have made the decision to cancel our scheduled day at Casa Jackson tomorrow. It has been determined that we are more needed at Hermano Pedro, so the team will be working there again instead. Please pray for our time with them. Also pray for our team that is being deeply impacted by this experience. Pray that God will show each of them what He is calling them to do, and pray that they will have the courage to do it.
More coming tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers!