Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Update On Our Little Buddies

I wanted to take a moment to write and bring you up-to-date regarding the four little boys I wrote about yesterday.


I am sorry to say that Josua passed away early yesterday afternoon. His brain damage was simply too severe and the doctors could do nothing more. Please pray for his grieving family. In addition to their personal pain they are also exhausted. They have spent most of the last five days at the hospital and then had to wait all night at the hospital for the body to be released. We are now being told that the funeral will be tomorrow afternoon (Thursday).


Alex, on the other hand, is doing much better. The medicine we provided is working and his diarrhea has stopped and he is eating again. He still has a long way to go as he needs to regain about nine pounds and lots of energy, but he is on his way. Thanks for your prayers!


A sponsor for has stepped forward for Berne’s wheelchair! Another sponsor has volunteered to cover Berne’s monthly formula needs and Ever Elisio’s education! I am so thankful for and humbled by the generosity of God’s people in caring for His children! We could not do this work without all of your prayers and sacrifices!

Thanks so much for you continued prayers for this little ones and Josua’s family!
